Memorandum of Agreement for Fall 2020 and Winter 2021: COVID-19

As you are aware, Trent will be proceeding with a multi-access fall semester —- which means that many courses that would have normally been in-person will be offered through online learning. Your executive has been working diligently with the employer to control the impact on all CUPE 3908 members.

At the end of June, your executive and the employer signed a Memorandum of Agreement to ensure there are clear procedures that protect you. You can read the full MOA here.

Here are some important highlights from the MOA:

Right of First Refusal updates – [Unit 1]

  • If you have Right of First Refusal (RFR) for an in-person course it can now be applied to the remote version! You must identify that you have the technical skills needed to run this course but you do not need to go into more detail than simply stating “I have the technical skills required to run this course remotely”.
  • RFR evaluations for remotely delivered courses will be treated as in-person courses.

Compensation for the new mandatory training – [Unit 1 & 2]

  • Course instructors are compensated for 10 hours of training at $21.58 an hour for completing “Going the Distance: Issues, Ideas, and Tools for Designing and Teaching a Remote Course”.
  • Course instructors who have equivalent prior knowledge to the “Going the Distance: Issues, Ideas, and Tools for Designing and Teaching a Remote Course” can get approval from their Dean to take other Professional Learning training at the same rate of compensation.
  • 1 hour at $21.58 for completing a return to campus training module if your role requires you to be on campus this fall.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants that are required to complete one or both of these training modules will be compensated through their regular hours and are to have these training included as a part of their regular work duties throughout the semester. Remember to track your hours!

Remote teaching support and software will be provided by Trent – [Unit 1 & 2]

  • Members can access Remote Teaching Support Teams who will be able to assist with preparing and teaching remote courses.
    Software programs that are required to deliver courses will be provided.
  • The employer has a limited supply of laptops, headsets, and webcams that can be provided to Members. To access them please contact your Dean’s office.

In addition to the wins outlined above, all Unit 2 members who hold a Unit 1 position are entitled to the same supports and compensation as Unit 1 members.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

July 6, 2020

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