Holiday Wreath Making Party
Date: Thursday, December 5th | When: 5:30PM to 8:PM | Cost: Free
Where: The Trend, Catharine Parr Traill College, Peterborough
Sick of marking? Take a break and get festive with us! Enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres and great company as you craft a wreath or two of your very own to take home. We’ll provide the materials, but we need your nimble fingers and creative genius to make this event a glowing success!
Meet your fellow CUPE 3908 members, bring your family, and enjoy this time together as the fall term comes to a close.
Though registration is not required, if you know that you and/or your chosen family (partner(s), children, friends, and whoever you define as family) will be in dropping in please consider filling out this quick form to give us a rough idea of how many members we can expect. If you have any dietary concerns, dietary restrictions, or even any questions, this is a great place to let us know too: https://forms.gle/LAaajTXMMQz5tJrS9