Executive Positions
The following positions make up the CUPE 3908 Executive, as per our bylaws. Stipends are listed below. In general, executives are expected to spend 5-7 hours/week performing their duties, while the President is expected to spend 15+ hours/week.
The Trustee position involves a one-day commitment to reviewing the Local’s finances and is open to all members in good standing. Trustees perform the annual audit of the local’s finances using step-by-step instructions provided by CUPE National and with the support of the local’s Treasurer, Office Manager and Bookkeeper. The Trustee role is essential to maintaining transparency and ensuring that our local adheres to the highest standards of financial practices. A basic understanding of bookkeeping/accounting is helpful but not required. If you are interested in being a trustee, or for more information please write to office@cupe3908.org.
This is a volunteer position with no monthly stipend.
Lead Stewards
The Lead Steward is the person members will contact with questions and concerns. It is their job to learn what rights members have, and to represent them in meetings with the employer. Comfort in an advocacy role and conflict-resolution skills are assets in this position. Training is available, and Stewards are supported by the President, Vice Presidents, and a representative from CUPE National.
Monthly Stipend: $701.09
Unit Vice Presidents
Unit VPs have the task of engaging members and ensuring that their interests are represented, both on the Executive and on Trent committees. Vice Presidents take on a variety of tasks, from writing articles to organizing social events to negotiating with the employer. Interest in working collaboratively and some knowledge or experience of the issues faced by Unit members would benefit these positions.
Monthly Stipend: $701.09
Recording Secretary (Communications)
The position title is misleading–this role is about reviewing and continually improving the way we communicate. Strong written and oral communication skills are a useful base. Interest and experience in communication through various forms–including print, digital, and social media–will be assets in this position.
Monthly Stipend: $701.09
Secretary Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer works with the Office Manager and Bookkeeper to oversee the Local’s finances and ensure accountability, transparency, and sustainability. Basic financial literacy is a useful knowledge base. Previous financial experience and willingness to participate in available training are assets.
Monthly Stipend: $701.09
Vice President
Besides supporting the President, the Vice President participates in committees, oversees special projects of the Local, and leads supervision of paid staff. Knowledge and/or experience of the Union movement, of Trent University, and of the issues faced by members of the Local are all helfpul, as are strong organizational and communications skills.
Monthly Stipend: $701.09
The President’s role is to facilitate the effective functioning of the executive, as well as to represent the Local at Trent, within CUPE, and in the community. Collaborative, organizational, and facilitating skills are assets in this position, as is previous involvement in the Union movement and/or as a board member. The President will be an active member of the union’s Equity Committee.
Monthly Stipend: $2,361.84
Positions are filled by election at the Annual General Meeting, held between Oct 15th and Nov 15th. All positions are considered vacant every year. Nominations are made on the floor, and must be seconded. Members may still run for positions if they are unable to attend the meeting, but must still be nominated and seconded from the floor, and must have submitted a written statement indicating their intention to accept a nomination.
Contact Us
Looking to get in touch with your CUPE Executive? For bios and contact information, please visit the contact us page.