Home Events Unit 2 Caucus Meeting & RFR Info Session


Mar 23 2022


7:00 pm

Unit 2 Caucus Meeting & RFR Info Session

As you know, there is currently a vacancy in the CUPE 3908 Executive Committee: the position of Lead Steward Unit 2. On Wednesday, March 23rd at 7PM, there will be an online caucus meeting open to CUPE 3908 Unit 2 members to elect a new Lead Steward. All Unit 2 members are encouraged to run!

This meeting MUST have at least ten (10) Unit 2 members in attendance to reach quorum for the election to proceed.

According to Section 8.11 of our bylaws, any Unit 2 member can be nominated as a candidate for the position of Lead Steward Unit 2. At the meeting, the candidate must be nominated by another Unit 2 member, and then that nomination has to be seconded by an additional Unit 2 member. If the candidate accepts the nomination, they can speak to their candidacy for up to two (2) minutes. Nominations may also be submitted in writing to treasurer@cupe3908.org, provided that the nomination is clearly signed by nominator and seconder, and by the nominee in acceptance of the nomination. Members not in attendance at the caucus meeting may be nominated for the position, provided that their acceptance of the nomination is submitted in writing to treasurer@cupe3908.org.

After the election, the remaining portion of the meeting will be an info session on the Right of First Refusal, or RFR, for Unit 2 members. Because of the new Unit 2 Collective Agreement, post-funding Unit 2 members who are hired and approved for Unit 1 positions now have access to the privilege of RFR, which is the primary means of job security for Unit 1 Contract Faculty at Trent University. When an individual holds RFR, they should be offered that position before it is offered to those who do not hold RFR. More information about RFR can be found on the Unit 1 page under the RFR tab, the RFR info sheet, and Article 5.08 of the Unit 1 Collective Agreement.

Check your email for the Registration link.