Home Events Trans Sensitivity Training
Two people hold up a trans flag infront of them. CUPE 3908 and CMHA HKPR Logo on the right.


Apr 07 2022


7:00 pm

Trans Sensitivity Training

This workshop will… provide education on topics related to the trans community. The topics covered will include language and common terms, social and medical transition, how to support someone who has come out you, proper pronoun usage, and more.

Who can attend this free workshop? All CUPE 3908 Members and all community members are welcome to attend this workshop. This is an ideal opportunity to learn how to be a better ally to the trans community. All knowledge levels are welcome.

Training provided by CMHA HKPR. To learn more about Canadian Mental Health Association Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge and the programming they offer, please visit their website: cmhahkpr.ca

Registration is required. This event is FREE.

REGISTER HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtdeyhqz8vHdI4KFp4QNQZDxsdATVJH8Lg