Contact CUPE 3908

Yvonne La Rose
She/Her | Office Manager |
Yvonne worked 7 years as a steward with OPSEU and then with OPEIU (now COPE). She has been CUPE 3908’s regular office staffer since 2008.

Drew Whatman
He/Him | Campaign and Outreach Officer |
Drew graduated from the Accounting program at Fleming College in 2021, and the Graphic Communications Management program at the Toronto Metropolitan University in 2012. He is a proud queer neurodivergent trans man. He works actively in the 2SLGBTQIA community through his work as an Organizing Member of Peterborough Pride, Board Member of the Rainbow Service Organization, and other community groups. Drew has worked with CUPE 3908 since 2014.
CUPE 3908 Executive

Mitch Champagne
He/Him | President |
Mitch Champagne graduated with a B.Sc. from Trent University, Peterborough, ON, and completed a B.Ed. and M.Sc. Ed. through Medaille, Buffalo, N.Y. Mitch joined the Faculty of Education and Trent International Program at Trent University, where he has been a part-time faculty member since 2008. Before serving as our Unit’s President, Mitch joined the executive in 2012, first as VP Unit 1 then as the General Vice President in 2013. Mitch has a wealth of Union experience and training in the areas of Collective Bargaining, Grievances, and Member Engagement and Outreach, and was a member of the Bargaining team that successfully negotiated our last 2 contracts.

Mark Astrom
He/Him | General Vice President |
Mark has been a Sessional Faculty Member at the School of Education and Professional Learning since 2006. He joined CUPE 3908 in October 2017. He is a current member of ETFO @ KPR and is a past member of OSSTF. Mark’s involvement in union activities stretches as far back as 1990, and he remembers well his first picket line experience in March 1991, when Ontario’s public educators went on strike.

Eric Lehman
He/Him | Secretary-Treasurer |
Eric Lehman is currently a PhD candidate in Canadian Studies at Trent. Eric has been a member of CUPE 3908 since 2012 and has taught or led seminars for courses in Cultural Studies, English, and Canadian Studies. Prior to being elected to the role of Secretary-Treasurer, Eric served as a trustee with CUPE 3908 and was part of the Unit 2 bargaining team. Eric has also held the roles of Treasurer, Signing Authority, and Bookkeeper for several non-profit and arts organizations and has worked for five years in “rock ’n’ roll payroll” as a licensing and royalties co-ordinator for the Canadian Music Reproduction Rights Agency (CMRRA).

Katrina Keefer
She/Her | Recording Secretary |
Katrina Keefer is a Director of the Digital Humanities company Walk With Web, and lead game developer for REACH Studio (Research in Embodied Analytics and Cultural History) and is also a well-published scholar of African identity and cultural history with a particular interest in how individuals situate themselves within broader communities and groups. Her most recent games work is driven by intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration with creatives in Sierra Leone, Kenya, and a network of scholars lending their expertise to developing a culturally nuanced game set in the Sierra Leonean past. Keefer’s work centres around how Africa and its peoples are represented within virtual worlds. Most recently she assisted a European team led by Marie Rodet in developing a game for justice around modern-day descendants of enslaved rural villagers in Mali and has presented on her own work at eCommemoration 2023 as part of an invitation-only event. These immersive digital experiences are intended as an engaging pedagogical tool suitable for both a global and an African audience interested in exploring a reconstructed precolonial past. Along with her work in games, Keefer presently leads an international team which is reconstructing a visual catalogue of known slave brands to understand the complex economic relationships which drove the slave trade. She has published two books about Sierra Leone’s history, along with multiple articles and chapters on Sierra Leonean history, digital humanities, and on games and Africa.
She is an active historical reenactor and believes firmly in the catharsis to be had by engaging in honourable combat both in historical martial arts and in sport fencing.

Brent Ryan Bellamy
He/Him | Vice President Unit 1 |
Brent teaches courses on climate change fiction, storyworlds across media, and contemporary literature in English Literature and in Cultural Studies. He has worked at Trent since 2018. Learn more about Brent on his website.

Kaz Anwar
He/Him | Lead Steward Unit 1 |
Kazi Anwar’s experience as a civil servant within various levels of government spans over twenty years in senior management. He has been an active participant in this community and has served as an Executive Board member at various Non Profit Organizations.
Kazi has been a guest speaker at various seminars and forums and has delivered numerous lectures on public safety and police oversight at various educational institutions. He currently serves on the executive board for Centennial Community Recreational Association.
In his free time Kazi enjoys biking and walking.

Yuchen Song
He/Him | Vice President Unit 2 |
Yuchen is a Ph.D. candidate in the Trent Materials Science program, specializing in optics and physics. He first joined CUPE 3908 Unit 2 in 2017. Since 2022, he has served as a Unit 2 Steward and was appointed as a trustee in 2023.

Kristin Jones
She/Her | Lead Steward Unit 2 |
Kristin is currently working on her PhD in Canadian Studies, focussing on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples from 1996. She has completed a Masters Degree at Trent in Canadian & Indigenous Studies and an Honours BA at the University of Guelph in Criminal Justice and Public Policy. After living in Toronto, Waterloo, and Fort McMurray, she’s making Peterborough her home because of how close the beaches and hiking trails are no matter where you go.
Our office is located in Wallis Hall, suites 116 and 117 (ground floor), Traill College. If you are dropping something off you can slide it under the door – it will be safe.
705-775-CUPE (775-2873)
Inter-College Mail
CUPE 3908
Traill College
Mailing Address
CUPE 3908
Traill College
Trent University
1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough, ON K9L 0G2